Manifestation of Memories

Brief Overview -Kasheer is a small residence in the foothills of the Kumaon Mountains. An intimate experience, the residence is a response to the user’s social and cultural needs. The residence through its design character is an extension to its surrounding. A modern interpretation of the vernacular architecture of the region, Kasheer depicts deep sensitivity to a context sensitive design.

Amidst the foothills of the Kumaon range in Uttarakhand, lies a small village Nathuakhan. At the zero point of the road, on a terrace of the mountain, surrounded by young apple tree stands Kasheer.

Recreation of Memories

Human beings are Nomads. With their caravans they carve out a journey for themselves. What is left are the memories made on the way. These subconsciously make people who they are, through their choices and responses.

The residence belongs to a small family originally from the valley of Kashmir. The images of their native place and its culture were deeply rooted in their memory. The land, its terrain, the people their house and the apple farm surrounding it were a part of their vivid memory of the place. The physical manifestation of these memories created their house ‘Kasheer’ which is a name for Kashmir.


Project Information

Location : Nathuakhan, Uttarakhand
Project Area : 1000 sqft
Project Estimate : Rs 40 lakh
Completion : In progress

Kasheer, Chaukor studio

Kasheer, Chaukor studio

Site and its character

The site organically folds around the mountain in a convex turn capturing the panoramic visuals of the valley. Narrow and dramatic, the site in its curvilinear form creates zones of distinct character and orientation. The site was broken into parts with an integral function of each zone.


Locating the house on the site:

The house comprises of two units, the main unit and the caretakers cottage. The two have been kept in close vicinity connected by a central patio. The house is kept on the end of the site, firstly for restricting visibility for privacy and secondly to create informal spaces through the way to the residence.

Design Philosophy

A modern interpretation of traditional mountain architecture of India, Kasheer represents a contemporary outlook in its design and detail. Its form and materiality represents a context sensitive approach.


Scale depicting social character

The house is a small single family cottage


Visual Balance through materials

The building envelope is made of a combination of bricks and stone masonry working in a cohesive union. These heavy materials are balanced with the use of  timber for roofing and projecting bay windows. This material palette of natural materials works in harmony with the surrounding. 



Reviving Traditional Patterns- Social Character

The house is designed through a holistic design process. The Minaret house not only embodies the climatic principles but also the social patterns that the architectural heritage offered. As a reinterpretation of traditional social spaces, distinct character is provided to public and private zones of the house. This is done through strict planning and placement of functions, segregated circulation patterns and varied spatial volumes. Subtle impregnated design elements and planning patterns generate curiosity in the mind and lead to many unique experiences for the user.

Minaret house, Chaukor studio

Minaret house, Chaukor studio