Harnessing a Rustic vibe to your home!

‘Imperfections are beautiful!’ - this is the core ideology that rustic architecture and interior design upholds.

We all want a little bit of magic in the design of our homes, don’t we? Maybe a touch of the old, some exotic elements, or something very futuristic and contemporary. While choices in today's world are galore, if the dream picture you paint in your head contains the vitality of nature with a touch of modernity and eclecticism; read ahead. We have accumulated basic tips, by the best architects in Noida, that will aid you create the rustic home, at par with your imagination!

Rustic Architecture has been around in the built community since the 19th century. While previously, it was used as a style implemented to build ‘summer houses’ with an exotic vibe, today it is regarded as one of the most trendiest design ideas of this era. Natural textures, earthy colors, rugged surfaces and glimpses of luscious landscapes from around the world; these are only few ways of interpreting rustic in an interior space. The rest can simply be an amalgamation of elements and facets that are modest, true and unpretentious. 

Living room design best architects in noida

Every Architect and Interior Designer Noida, can vouch for the timelessness of Rustic Architecture

If you are not a fan of ostentatious chandeliers, rich hues; and yet find the concept of including the alluring aura of outdoors into your home quite intriguing; here are some quick pointers from the best architects in Noida!

Materials that steal the spotlight…

One of the most primary factors that can aid instill the much desired rusticity to your home, is the materiality. Choose materials that not only possess a character of its own, but are significantly scrabous. Terracotta, unpolished wood or corbelled stone: can be successfully used as flooring, vertical essentials or in furnishings. 

Stone wall by architect and interior designer in noida

Best architects in Noida prefer an exposed brick wall, to initiate the rustic vibe

Yet another aspect that should be remembered, is that, the core of rustic architecture is being proud of the true self of items. Thus, don’t shy away from using materials that are local, and complement the terrain of your site and area. Instead of having a place setting accentuate your home, let the beauty of crude surfaces bask in their natural halo!

rustic interior design best architects in noida

Unpolished surfaces speak volumes of designs, state best architects in Noida

Sophisticated shades and tints…

Once you have the correct materiality in place, it is important to select colors that resemble our ideology and do not appear jarring, in any way. The principles of Rustic Architecture always advertise the usage of naturally-occurring shades, ranging from browns, blues and greens. 

While natural prints, rugs and a leather sofa bags the attention; a subdued milieu works successfully

If the other ‘pastoral’ elements of the room are what you would like to be highlighted, go for shades that are created by a melange of brown and white. Subtle and warm, such settings come right from the grammar book of the best architects in Noida and the rest of the country; thus you can never go wrong! 

Want to indulge in some design adventure? Go for some wall art or a wallpaper, showcasing a picturesque view and pair it with a borderline of vermilion or rusty orange. Now..that’s a scheme that is refreshing yet innovative..isn’t it?

Adding the requisite green…

Any well designed contemporary home needs the touch and vibrancy of plants. Especially, when trying to inculcate a rustic vibe, specific indoor plants can significantly help in creating and elevating the sought after organic ambiance. So here are some ideas, you can act upon, right away! Creepers and vines are an excellent and unusual choice for indoors, that can truly convert any homely space, into a magic garden. Hand it along a wooden pillar, or cascading by an array of shelves; for the ultimate effect.

sofa & Plants by best architects in noida

A touch of green adds a lot vitality to any set-up, according to the best architects in Noida

You can also choose to add florals including sunflowers, ferns and lilies; in clay pots or jute vases, as easy and versatile accessories. Here is a pro tip from the best architects in Noida : if you are a fan of unique ideas, choose cactus as your indoor plant pet. It possesses both bristlyness and beauty; coherent with the principles of rustic architecture. 

Some prints, ornamentation and much more…

While an entire home or room decked in rustic sensibility, might be an elegant choice; sprucing up a specific corner in a contemporary residence is also a way to go. Simple amendments, alterations or additions can be easily included to create a warm and rustic area. Flora and fauna are both integral parts of nature. Hence, if we can include the former, why not innovate and instill the latter as well? An animal printed rug or wallpaper, or something as simple as black/white striped cushions; can just be enough. 

Rustic interiors by architect and interior designer in noida

A statement wall with some natural materials, can easily create a contemporary yet rustic home, suggest the best architects in Noida


Using incandescent bulbs, singular or in a bunch, might be an effective way to recreate the usual lighting styles. Even using archaic lamp shades with yellow lighting can mirror a similar effect. Rice lights neatly wrapped around an old bark of a tree, can be a cute DIY craft, also utilizable as a night light for your modernist bedroom. Imagine, being all cuddled up in such a milieu…quite fascinating won’t you say?

Bedroom design by best architects in noida

“Why use stereotypical lighting, when something so interesting can be created?”,
Nilesh Bansal - Chaukor Design studio, best architects in Noida

A conclusive opinion : By architect and interior designer in Noida!

‘Imperfections are beautiful!’ - this is the core ideology that rustic architecture and interior design upholds.

wooden logs architect and interior designer in noida

A perfect design for a Sunday brunch!

Any feature found naturally in our world, is preordained with certain pros and cons, and yet their imperfect self is what creates every picturesque view enveloping us. When designing or commissioning a rustic house design, by any architect and interior designer in Noida, nationally or globally; remember to celebrate the blemishes of natural textures and deficiencies of organic materials. To it, add a bit of your true self and voila!...you have a rustic home.

Chaukor Studio

Chaukor Studio is a leading architecture and interior design firm in Noida. With more than a decade of experience, Architects and Interior Designers working at the firm expertise in House Design and Office Interior Design.