Integrating ‘Planned Nature’ : Urban ideas for a Vivid Home!

Life in a city can often be mundane or even overwhelming; Designing with nature, so that our homes can provide the requisite solace.

Noida architect for house - Integrating Nature

Nature has always been considered a resort to reducing stress levels and inculcating a vibe of rejuvenation; integral for any resident of the contemporary city. Planning a home with an Architect for house, inculcated by green spaces, is an effective way to introduce the purity of the natural world in your domain. While deciding on this might be complicated, we at Chaukor Design Studio - architects at Noida sought to pen down the best ways to include ‘grassy aspects’ in a residential interior design.

“...and as the towering heights of the concrete jungle began engulfing her free soul, a narrow trickle of sunlight falling on the twigs of a plant became her wings of vitality!”

tree in courtyard by architects in Noida

Liven up any corner of your house, by a tinge of green!

Life in a city can often be mundane or even overwhelming; but our homes always seem to provide the requisite solace. Additionally, if you choose to have a bit of nature or natural elements built into the frame, it can surely become your personal heaven in a world of confusion!

Inviting nature indoors

Aside from the literary aspect, Nature has always been considered a resort to reducing stress levels and inculcating a vibe of rejuvenation; integral for any resident of the contemporary city. Whether planted for aesthetic or functional purposes, indoor greens are trending and timeless design elements, which any professional of the built world or any house architect or residential designer can vouch for.

Plants for integrating nature by architect noida

Every top architect in Noida, refers to this design principle as Biophilia, signifying the connection of nature with mankind


Planning a home, with integrated green spaces, is an effective way to introduce the purity of the natural world in your domain. Specifically, deciding on the type of ecological enclosure during the initial design days, aids to better execution and a rather balanced scheme. While deciding on this might be complicated, we at Chaukor Design Studio - architects in Noida sought to pen down the best ways to include ‘grassy aspects’ in a residential interior design.

As a part of the traditional courtyards

Courtyards have always been recognized as one of the most crucial ways of cross ventilation, especially if you reside in a tropical country like India. Whether existing as a classic courtyard of an Art Deco house, or a contemporary cut-out with congruent furnishing; including nature in such open or semi-open spaces is an elegant approach.

architect noida landscape design

Chaukor Design Studio, architect in Noida, suggest using green elements as a part of the courtyard for a balanced environmental appeal


If you are a fan of the farm folklore we have all heard as kids, imagine sitting beneath an enormous banyan or peepal tree in the evening and sipping tea! 

Not a fan of this traditional ideology? Plant medium foliage trees like palm on a bed of shrubs, and arrange relaxing furniture around it. Simple yet modern and tasteful, which any architect  will merrily nod their head to!

architect noida courtyard design for house

A lot of green, or snippets of it, architects in Noida, say both work well!


Creative manifestation of Planter Box

A major segment of the metropolitan crowd and architects in Noida still find a minimalistic concept, relatable and sustainable. Installation of planter boxes is a creative yet elementary way that is best for people who just want just a green edge in their home. Stack an entire console full with shrubs of varied colors or just use it to embellish a black corner; the customizable aspect of planter boxes make them very user-friendly. 

Planter boxes by architects in noida

You can create your own little urban jungle with a series of planter boxes, as suggested by house architects in Noida


Additionally, there are a variety of materials available for their construction including concrete, brick, stone, glass, cork and ceramic. Depending upon the theme of the space and micro-climatic conditions; the material, shade and size can be decided upon, by you or your house architect.

Indoor plants by architects in noida

Any architects for house can vouch for the fact that, planters are one of the most customizable and timeless ideas to include a sprinkle of nature into your home


Functionally speaking; usage of low-maintenance plants like cactus, snake plant, epiphytes, spider plant can keep the humidity of the indoor air in control. 

Separating using a green wall

Environmentally aware and sustainable architects, often advise their clients to install ‘green walls’ that can serve the dual purpose of instilling green verdance and remaining eco-friendly. 

Also referred to as a vertical garden, the ideology might sound very challenging. However in reality as architects in Noida, we can guarantee that its realization and upkeep is quite easy, with a ton of environmental benefits. 

These green walls can be used as a feature wall along the stairwell, in living rooms, home offices or as a temporary room separator creating two semi-private spaces. Take your pick!

The Atrium effect

One of the supplementary benefits of deciding inclusion of any part of the green cosmos during the planning phase is that, based on the availability of space, climatic conditions, direction of the sun and personality of its residents; a bespoke area can be designed and implemented by a good house architect. Often due to the levels and orientation of the said factors, crafting a green atrium is a better option than building a courtyard.

A minimal green corner can also help, as per architects Noida

A minimal green corner can also help, as per architects Noida


An atrium assists in diminishing any negative areas which are a part of the structure and can easily be implemented in any covered area with smaller square footage.  Paint a contemporary corner by planting desired trees, shrubs or plants; and encase it with a transparent layer of glass…and voila! You have a beautiful family lounge with a picturesque view.

A quaint pool of rejuvenation

Want a waterbody inside your home? Why not go for something that brings the best of both worlds together : flowing waters and a hint of green. A lily pond is an exquisite water feature, which is timeless and yet utilitarian in terms of its stress-relieving ambiance.

water pond by the architect for house

Bringing two elements together, to include serenity, by the architect for house|

You get the much-needed green, with some additional pastel tints of pink and white in the form of lilies. Here is an extra tip: it is one of the most unconventional ways of including nature in your house, hence has the potential of becoming an ultimate conversation starter.

Mix it up or keep it classic ?

An interesting fact is that these above-mentioned options may also be used in an amalgamated format as well. For instance, an expansive green courtyard can be complemented with a lily pond; or even an atrium can be designed with tropical planters for a balanced appeal. 

outdoor living architect in noida

Integrating green is not a humongous task, the extent of inclusion is your decision


Integrating ‘Planned Nature’

Honestly, if you are decisive about the type and extent of green elements that you desire to adorn your home, during the planning stage itself, sky's the limit! With a little aid from a good house architect, you can either choose option stated or even merge and create your signature style. In the hustle bustle of our daily life, let this area of the house be an influx of positive energy!