Unveiling the Textures of 2024

As we step into the promising horizon of 2024, the realm of interior design is experiencing a profound metamorphosis, where a harmonious blend of creativity, sustainability, and technological innovation is celebrated, honoring individuality and creating spaces that resonate with the human spirit. Amidst this enchanting canvas, textures play a pivotal role, intricately crafting immersive environments that stir the senses and evoke emotions, unveiling new possibilities for aesthetic expression and functional design. Join us as we venture into the intricate realm of textures, poised to revolutionize and rejuvenate interior design, offering a compelling preview of upcoming trends that will embellish our living spaces and ignite a new era of sophistication, comfort, and innovation.

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Home that evokes feeling of Connectedness !

Composing a connected and communal home
By Chaukor Studio : Best Architects in Delhi for Residential Houses

Preface: Ever heard the saying, ‘home is where the heart is’ ? Well creating a home that nurtures your inner persona, and your loved ones might be a difficult decision. Additionally, the rise of social media and viability of the virtual world, has taken a toll on real-time relations. So are there any design interventions, that can harness these bonds, such that it oozes a subtle vibe of connection and familiarity? Yes, it is possible and thus, the best residential interior designers in Delhi, have a set of ideas. So, let’s venture on!

We all have a different mental image when it comes to the word ‘home’. A boho chic with bright colors might be the vision for one, while someone else might be a fan of pure whites. You may have a fondness for Scandinavian style of home, while a deconstrued dynamism can be your friend’s choice! But despite the disparity that we all have in our vision of the perfect home, there is always a common point which generally we all wish for, consciously or subconsciously, that is a Connection…not just with our spaces, but the connect each space shares with its elements, other spaces and the humane world outside. That is exactly what we will aim to achieve by the end of this article…a connect..a bond!

Let your plan flow!
By Chaukor Studio : Best Architects in Delhi for Residential Houses

Residential interior designers in Delhi, can all agree about the trendy appeal an open plan brings to a home!
Source: https://www.tollbrothers.com/blog/open-floor-plans-open-a-world-of-possibility/

Open floor plans are growing increasingly popular in modern homes. When we remove the physical barriers between spaces and rooms it enhances the feeling of collaboration and communication between people in different zones of the house. It does not restrict movement and manifests the feeling a wholesome vibe that automatically translates as a bonding force. Open floor plans also permit more natural light and air to flow through the home, making it a more pleasant space to be in.

Whether a classy home is what you desire or something simple, as per residential interior designers in Delhi, an open plan is a great way to instill that communal vibe
Source: https://www.tollbrothers.com/blog/open-floor-plans-open-a-world-of-possibility/

Apart from providing visual connectivity, open floor plans are a great tool for creating versatile and spatially efficient rooms. If you still desire to introduce some sense of privacy, a translucent glass movable partition or an intricate jaali can be used. So now on Sundays while whipping up a tasty brunch, Dad and Mom can still enjoy the movie with the rest of the family; or pull up the partition if they wish to cook in peace…choice is yours!

Hey Neighbor!
By Chaukor Studio : Best Architects in Delhi for Residential Houses

Imagine having a semi-open living area that overlooks the veranda, and on the other end, there is a kitchen that is enclosed yet open enough to continue a friendly chat. This concept of having interactive spaces has become the latest trend. People no longer want to stay enclosed. With the rise in real estate prices and the lowering affordability of square footage, people are getting creative regarding every inch of space they can get. So walls that waste up their areas are no longer entertained.

Residential interior designers in Delhi, especially in the current times, have been bringing the verandah back to include nature and as a part of an interactive yet homely space
Source: https://www.archdaily.com/894857/the-verandah-house-modo-design

Also, a semi-open space allows a free flow of light and air and encourages interaction and better communication. Additionally, a veranda or balcony is the best way you can connect your indoors to the outdoors. Especially after quarantine years, we all have understood and generated more respect for the importance of having a connection with our surroundings. The joy of being able to sit and talk with people, and to invite them and spend time together is no less than a treasure. 

Intentions Matter
By Chaukor Studio : Residential Interior Designers in Delhi

Residential interior designers in Delhi are always onboard when it comes to designing spaces that speak volumes about the primary user or patrons of a home
Source: https://www.marthastewart.com/8347623/best-interior-design-style-for-your-personality-type

When you design with intention, it reflects in the entire setup! The home you reside in should mirror your thoughts, energy, and personality. It should tell a story about you and your family. Add elements that are important and meaningful to you. When you walk in after a long day of work, it should feel like home. You should feel connected with the walls, the floors, and the elements. Add little trinkets from your travels, pictures and family heirlooms to your décor.

If minimalistic designs is what your inner self wishes to reflect, showcase it well with the help of residential interior designers in Delhi
Source: https://www.tarkett-asia.com/en_RA/node/vintage-style-design-tips-10044

This way you can create a sanctuary for yourself, and when anyone comes to visit, it will most certainly strike up an interesting conversation. This way your house becomes a home. It connects with you and also lets you connect with those who come to visit. These tiny details make your home aesthetic and comforting at the same time. 

Bringing a Family Together
By Chaukor Studio : Residential Interior Designers in Delhi

Call it the need of the hour or the compulsion of these times, shared spaces have begun to pop up in every home. The theme of a traditional Indian home with a central courtyard or a big living room is making a comeback. When you dedicated a huge space for gathering family and friends you subconsciously make them attracted to spend time in a bigger area, rather than being cooped up in their bedrooms. It becomes a space to instantly connect with family, share happy and sad moments, enjoy a movie, and so on.

Allocating areas that promote familial intimacy, is a great way to elevate the connectedness, as per residential interior designers in Delhi
Source: https://www.realsimple.com/home-organizing/decorating/decorating-living-room/unexpected-decorating-ideas

This shared space should contain some elements from each family member. It can be pictures, a painting they made, or a rug of their choice or their favorite color. If anyone is a musician you can keep a musical instrument there, or a bookshelf for the reader, an attached balcony where a plant parent can grow their greens. Every family member should feel connected to that area, then only the large empty space will get filled up by laughter, joy, and memories. These shared spaces provide an opportunity for people to connect in meaningful ways.

Furniture that Matters
By Chaukor Studio : Residential Interior Designers in Delhi

Locally sourced furniture that manifest the usage of natural materials is something all residential interior designers in Delhi, can vouch for to create a connected home
Source: https://meridithbaer.com/organic-modern-staging-in-west-hollywood/

The main role of the furniture is to provide comfort and relaxation. After a long day of work, you come home to a comfortable couch or bed to relax and rest. It is important that your furniture is not only aesthetically pleasing but also gives you the ultimate pleasure and rest. There are recliners, sectionals, soft mattresses, fluffy couches, and much more. The furniture should be comfortable so that you love spending your time there with your loved ones. Sit comfortably for hours, or cuddle up to watch a movie. With the right furniture, you can make an instant connection with any space. 

Residential interior designers in Delhi state that cozy furnishing, synchronized with each other, aid to create the harmony in a spatial home design
Source: https://www.livingetc.com/ideas/organic-modern-style

Connectedness of Colors
By Chaukor Studio : Residential Interior Designers in Delhi

Colors play a very important role when it comes to creating harmonious surroundings. Subconsciously, colors can manifest an aura that makes people feel hearty and connected. That is why synchronization in the color palette is so important. When used in correct harmony and exact harmony, they can create aesthetically pleasing spaces and bring people’s attention to the design details. When you spend time appreciating things that surround you, an instant connection is formed, which helps you to feel comfortable and happy.

Tonal colors, does not essentially mean, using shades of the same color. Rather as per residential interior designers, you can opt for colors adjacent on the color wheel or chromes that simply work together.
in Delhi Source: https://blog.bizvibe.com/blog/online-home-decor-companies

Synchrony in color means that all the colors that you use to decorate a space should complement each other instead of canceling each other out. You can use complementary colors, or use various shades and tints of the same color. By creating a cohesive design with a unified theme the space becomes the center of everyone’s attention and helps to spark up conversations that last for a long time. 

Source: https://www.beautifulhomes.com/magazine/spaces/dining-rooms/teak-wood-dining-table-set-for-every-occasion.html

Being connected to your home should not be hard. It is something that you built with love and care, so you just need to understand the perfect design elements and use them. Connection, comfort, and aesthetics can be achieved very easily if only you put your emotions to use. 

Chaukor Studio : Best Architects in Delhi for Residential Houses

Chaukor Studio is a leading architecture and Interior Design firm in Delhi .
With more than a decade of experience, Architects and Interior Designers working at the firm expertise in House Design and Office Interior Design